Tuesday, November 16, 2010


OK, so far I only have a sample size of one deer (a muley doe), for which biological bilateral symmetry allows two tries at each major muscle cut.  Based on this introductory foray into venison I've got to say that here at Rancho Highlife we have a new favorite non-organ portion:  The Sirloin Tip (i.e. petite ham sens FC).  At least on this girl, that piece of hindquarter musculature was definitely  superior to the backstrap halves I have cooked so far.  I was clued into this when I used one of these cuts for a take on a classic recipe and had the portions fairly melt in our mouths.

I decided to thaw the other sirloin tip, cut nice steaks from the thickest part, and make bacon-wrapped medallions from them (the rest I've saved for tomorrow night's dish)
Bacon-wrapped, salted and peppered.
Here they are after a grillin':
Tender and delectable with sides of potato and broccoli.

Stay tuned for a more non-trad dish tomorrow.

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