Tuesday, October 12, 2010

Just Some Ramblings...

(Note from the end of 2013:  I'm pretty sure I wrote this after several beers, back when I was trying to get my thoughts all in a row about hunting.  It's a little bit cringe-worthy to re-read, but I'm leaving it up here because it really is a trail marker in my evolution on the subject.   And besides, I still basically agree with most of it)

I've been reading a lot of writings about deer hunting lately.  Things that have surfaced:

1.  I could give a shit less about bagging a giant buck in rut and/or the antler obsession that seems to permeate the subject.  It is like that saying about beauty magazines, don't read those articles cause it will just make you feel ugly.

2.  I'm ashamed that I've never paid more attention to deer behavior.  For all the times I've walked in on them, I should have noticed more.  I'm a lot more informed now, and hope to actually take the time to carefully walk in on them and observe more behaviors through the year.

3.  I am incredibly aware that it is a thinking animal that I'm aiming for, but I also want to have some fun hunting, mostly seeing great places.

4.  There is a lot of stuff I'm not sure about hunting public land yet, including the etiquette of scouting a stand, but I'd like to learn. 

On the other hand, I have much less charitable feelings about pigs.  I'm looking forward to the "small game season" when you can walk though several of the state forests with a shotgun full of 00 shot looking for hogs.  I hope to go down to Goethe or Myakka and kill one of the damn things.

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